The Decoy Effect: Unveiling the Magic Behind Irresistible Offers

Have you ever came across a deal that seemed too good to be true but you couldn't pass it up? It's not just you! In fact, these tempting deals are the result of a tried-and-true psychological marketing strategy. I'll tell you an amazing story that exemplifies this tactic in action.

Picture this: old man selling watermelons from a corner store. His price was simple: $3 for one watermelon and $10 for three. A curious young boy sees this and quickly places an order for three watermelons at $3 per. The old man agrees, and the proud youngster announces that he's just saved $1 by purchasing three watermelons for $9 instead of $10.

The young man tells the elderly man with arrogance that business may not be his strong suit. The old man, though, just laughs and says that people usually wind up purchasing three watermelons when they only intended to buy one. So why is that? They can't say no to what seems like a steal to them. The old man's sales were up because to a deceptive marketing strategy called the "Decoy Effect."

The Decoy Effect is a well-known psychological phenomena in which customers are influenced to pick one choice over another by the presence of a less desirable alternative (the "decoy"). The watermelon vendor's deceptive $10 for 3 melons deal made their actual pricing of $3 per melons more appealing. While the old guy gained the rewards of the uptick in business, customers like the young kid thought they were getting the better end of the deal.

How to craft an Irresistible offer? 

So, what exactly did you learn from that old sage? The most significant lesson to be learned is that people will do almost anything for a good deal, or at least what they consider to be a good deal. The Decoy Effect is a powerful tool for marketers, as it can make their product seem like a no-brainer.

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